Automated Hanger & RFID

Related to Industry 4.0, we provide you a comprehensive shop floor control system which allows the real-time monitoring of the production processes.

Radio Frequency Identification Solution

With the technology of RFID, you can track and record every step of pre-production and production in real-time.

nascence RFID

Pre-production RFID

Cut-pieces tracking, cutting process planning, tracking the output, link to Hanger System and RFID line system

Production RFID

Real-time monitor the production line output and tracking the operator efficiency

Smart Sewing Hanger System

The automated hanger system is designed to improve output efficiency by saving your time and tracking all WIP (Work In Progress).

hanger system
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Inline QC Monitoring Tools

An important integral part of shop-floor real time tracking which will increase your supply chain efficiency and inventory accuracy by automating the inspection process.

Let’s See How It Works for You.

Give us a call and let us do our magic!

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